Almost everyone finds themselves wishing for a fairy godmother to grant them treasures, but what about wishing for someone with expertise to come along and wave her magic wand to help you think, read, and write better? Would you have less stress, find more time to relax, or learn something new? Would your children do better in school? Would your novel, grant, or dissertation receive the care and polish to make it shine?
My wish is to offer you such expertise. After having spent nearly 3 decades in higher education, I was ready for a change, and I founded my dream job, where I can apply all of my skills, industry expertise, and most of all, my passions to the marketplace! If it’s related to English, I’m the fairy godmother who has your back. I am a highly skilled English tutor, an online instructor, an editor, an indexer, a writing mentor, and an author. With publications in fairy tale studies, mythology, adolescent literature, and both creative fiction and non-fiction, I specialize in personalized assistance for those seeking to think, to read, and to write more effectively. I’d love the opportunity to work with you!
In my free time, I am a knitter, a needleworker, a reader, and most of all, a Mother of Cats. I am a cat rescuer who is responsible for having provided the medical care for over 30 cats, both feral and domesticated, over the past few decades. I also live on a property I call Tara that has been designated as a National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat. The best days of all to me are the ones where I can enjoy the animals around me and work on one of my hobbies or read a wonderful novel. So come in, brew yourself a cup of tea, grab a warm blanket, or sit under a shady tree, and cozy up. Welcome to a realm of enchantment through the power of words!