Live and On-Demand Class Offerings
What my students are saying:
“Come, student, enter these enchanted Word-Woods. A path is laid for those who delight in scholarship. Another is here for seekers after Fairy enchantment. These paths converge to create a delightful meander through a fascinating, University-level course of study into the classic Fairy Tales by way of the garments and accessories that adorn them. If you care to pursue the "homework prompts", you will discover depths of Fae creativity you didn't know you possessed, and, possibly, find yourself making popcorn. Any fear of "on-line classes" will melt away immediately. The site offers extreme ease of access and navigation. Lectures are visual treats and the screen offers "pause capability" for serious note-takers . . . and you will want to write down all the intriguing references to pursue "after class". Can you spot persons who have a deep, Fairy Tale thread woven though their spirit? You will, after enjoying this unique course . . . perhaps in your own mirror.” (CT Lila, July 2022).
Are you dying to talk to someone, anyone, about your favorite films, tv series, and books? Do you feel as if your efforts to get friends to “read this” or “watch that” fall on deaf ears? I understand. I’ve been in the same position. And this is why I’m here for you.
Your enjoyment of the things you love increases tenfold when you can get inside a story and see it from many angles. You get to re-experience the excitement and discovery you first felt. Guess what this leads to? Your ability to tell stories gets even better! Why? Because every time you tell another person about something you learned, you change the way that others engage with literature. Stories LIVE because we retell them, and classes on stories help you learn that there is never one set way to tell a tale, but many.
So read on below to check out my current offerings, both live and on Thinkific. I teach some classes over zoom with a pre-set schedule on evenings or weekends, some classes by arrangement privately (also on zoom), and I offer one full course on-demand via the Thinkific platform. There is something for everyone!

Ritualcravt Class: Witches and Wise Women in Fairy Tales
Ritualcravt Class on Witches and Wise Women in Fairy Tales

Spooky Season Movie Classes
Register Now for Classes on Crimson Peak, The Crucible, and Dracula! Click for more info and to register.

Empower Yourself Through Goddess Archetypes
Ritualcravt Class: Empower Yourself Through Goddess Archetypes. Offered online via Zoom. Click for more info and to register.